🎁ChatGPT Prompts I Use To Level Up My Notetaking

Here are my best prompts for using ChatGPT to level up your notetaking.

Whether it be the role of a personal tutor or a brainstorm assistant, knowing how to effectively use ChatGPT is a cheat code to achieve more while doing less in school.

I suggest you use these as a baseline and then edit them to your specific needs.



I am trying to explain why you need a summary

Create a summary of the following text in the format of insert formatting style you want. I want you to focus on insert ideas

Here is the text:


Please simplify the content by doing the following:

  • Explain as if I was 10 years old
  • Use common analogies

Here is the content:

Ideate Examples For Notemaking

I'm writing a note called insert note title. I'm trying to come up with an example that exemplifies this concept.

What are some ideas based on the note content below:

Ideate Analogies

I'm writing a note called insert note title. I'm trying to come up with an analogy that can explain this concept in words a ten year old could understand.

What are some ideas?


Knowing what to learn

I am trying to learn more about topic outside of my school classes.

What are some subtopics I can dive into?


I am trying to learn more about topic outside of my school classes.

Please suggest me 3 articles, podcasts, books, and YouTube videos: one beginner level, one medium, and one advanced.


Based on notes

Create me a 20 question test based off my notes.

For each question you give me, after my response, critique my answer. Tell me why it was correct, or what I got wrong and what the correct answer is.

After the questions are over, grade me out of 20 and summarize my performance.

Here are my notes:

Ideate Characters For Notes

I'm writing a note called insert note title. I'm trying to anthropromorphize this note into a character so that I can make it more memorable.

What are some character ideas you have and what are some lines they might say in their voice to exemplify this note?

Ideate Flashcard Mnemonics

I'm trying to create a flashcard out of this note content: insert note note content

What are some mnemonic ideas I might be able to use to make it more memorable like acronyms, images, characterization, story, etc?

Homework Help

I'm working on insert homework problem question.

So far I have come up with insert work.

Can you help me come up with ideas on where to go further?


Strengthen Argument

I'm writing an essay on insert topic and main argument.

Please write three points that I can strenghten, three points I can elaborate on, and three points of refutation.

Here is the content:


I'm writing an essay on insert topic and main argument or prompt.

Please write a rough outline for the essay.

Rough Draft

I'm writing an essay on insert topic and main argument or prompt.

Please take this outline and rough draft out the essay:
insert outline


Refine Thesis

I'm writing an essay with about insert topic with this prompt.

Help me brainstorm potential theses for the essay.

Ideate Titles

I'm writing an essay with about insert topic with this prompt.

Help me brainstorm potential titles for this essay.